John Chatten
Hannah Borrett
(Cir 1818-1895)
William Borrett Chatten
(Abt 1840-)
Charlotte Sarah Ward
(Cir 1840-)
Agnes Amelia Chatten


Family Links

1. Stanley Charles Tapsell

Agnes Amelia Chatten

  • Born: 1869, Hayes, Middlesex
  • Marriage (1): Stanley Charles Tapsell in 1893 in Eton

bullet  General Notes:

births Mar qtr 1869 Chatten Agnes Amelia Uxbridge 3a 39

1871 census
William Borett age 31 Redisham, Suffolk Head Upton With Chalvey Buckinghamshire, occ dairyman
Charlotte S Borrett age 31 Cromer, Norfolk wife Upton With Chalvey Buckinghamshire
Lambert W Borrett age 8 Beccles, Suffolk son Upton With Chalvey Buckinghamshire
Herbert J Borrett age 4 Hayes, Middlesex son Upton With Chalvey Buckinghamshire
Agnes A Borrett age 2 Hayes, Middlesex daughter Upton With Chalvey Buckinghamshire
1871 census rg10 1401 57 50

1881 census Ingate Street, Beccles
John Chatten age 62 Beccles, Suffolk Head Beccles, Suffolk , occ Railway Labourer , Work On Permanant Way
Hannah Chatten age 62 Ringsfield, Suffolk wife Beccles, Suffolk, occ tailoress
Agnes Borrett age 13 Hayes, Buckinghamshire granddaughter Beccles, Suffolk , occ dressmakers apprentice
Emma Dyer age 14 Beccles, Suffolk lodger Beccles, Suffolk
1881 census rg11 1898 76 6

shown on 1891 census in Chislehurst, Kent as Cook domestic servant

marriages Jun qtr 1893 Tapsell Stanley Charles // Borrett Agnes Amelia Eton 3a 942

1901 census
Stanley Tapsell age 27 Eltham, Kent Head Lewisham, London
Agnes Tapsell age 30 Hayes, Middlesex Wife Lewisham, London
Gladys Tapsell age 7 Plumstead, Kent Daughter Lewisham, London
Richard Tapsell age 53 Camberwell, London Father Lewisham, London
Harriet Tapsell age 54 Linton, Cambridgeshire Mother Lewisham, London
Ernest Tapsell age 23 Bromley, Kent Brother Lewisham, London
1901 census RG13 561 96 16


Agnes married Stanley Charles Tapsell in 1893 in Eton. (Stanley Charles Tapsell was born about 1874 in Eltham, Kent.)

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